Belles réussites
25 Témoignages / 166 Belles réussites
LadyboyKisses let opportunies for many people to find love and hapiness, and they're proud to share it with you.
frace  et
andy lehnann 26 Jan 2013
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I would like to thank LADYBOYKISSES because I met my future husband Andy!
He loves me what I am and who I am!
darius  et
peter 25 Jan 2013
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Thanks LADYBOYKISSES for being part of our life and the root of being together!
I love my partner for 3 and half years!
He is from Sudbury Suffolks England.
My only love Peter William Nunny
I love u so much honey!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quoshtia (47 ans) Philippines, Cabanatuan City [QUO3077]
Thanks LADYBOYKISSES for being part of our life and the root of being together! <br><br>I love my partner for 3 and half years! <br><br>He is from Sudbury Suffolks England.<br><br>My only love Peter William...
Quoshtia (47 ans) Philippines, Cabanatuan City [QUO3077]
Thanks LADYBOYKISSES for being part of our life and the root of being together! <br><br>I love my partner for 3 and half years! <br><br>He is from Sudbury Suffolks England.<br><br>My only love Peter William...
Rein  et
Nancy 11 Jan 2013
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Since half an year I am a member on LBK. I had a few chats with some ladyboys and then I met a woman: Nancy!
From the beginning we had a very good contact, talking almost every day for 2,3,4 hours without a lack of conversation. I went to Manila in December 2012 and stayed for more than 3 weeks and have seen not only her beauty and kindness but many parts of this beautiful country.
I went back home in the last week of December and was alone in Amsterdam with Christmas and New year but I continued with our conversations and telephone calls.
She is amazing and the perfect woman for me! She brings the best out of me! I am going back to the Philipines in February again and than for one month, we will get married probably this or next year. We are planning to live together in the Phillipines.
I was never in love with someone but we found true love with each other.
Thanx LadyBoyKisses for this opportunity of finding my woman and for every body Happy new year!
Rein from Amsterdam
Thank you Ladyboykisses Team!
Cristy  et
John 09 Jan 2013
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Hello Ladyboykisses thank u for finding the one for me,I am happy and thank u for what u haveve done to me.Im happy to be with him and i know one day that we will together and forever..
Cristy (32 année) Philippines, Cebu City [CRI5759]
Hello Ladyboykisses thank u for finding the one for me,I am happy and thank u for what u haveve done to me.Im happy to be with him and i know one day that we will together and forever..
Cristy (32 année) Philippines, Cebu City [CRI5759]
Hello Ladyboykisses thank u for finding the one for me,I am happy and thank u for what u haveve done to me.Im happy to be with him and i know one day that we will together and forever..
Cristy (32 année) Philippines, Cebu City [CRI5759]
Hello Ladyboykisses thank u for finding the one for me,I am happy and thank u for what u haveve done to me.Im happy to be with him and i know one day that we will together and forever..
Cristy (32 année) Philippines, Cebu City [CRI5759]
Hello Ladyboykisses thank u for finding the one for me,I am happy and thank u for what u haveve done to me.Im happy to be with him and i know one day that we will together and forever..
Cristy (32 année) Philippines, Cebu City [CRI5759]
Hello Ladyboykisses thank u for finding the one for me,I am happy and thank u for what u haveve done to me.Im happy to be with him and i know one day that we will together and forever..
Cristy (32 année) Philippines, Cebu City [CRI5759]
Hello Ladyboykisses thank u for finding the one for me,I am happy and thank u for what u haveve done to me.Im happy to be with him and i know one day that we will together and forever..
Felicity 05 Jan 2013
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Hello Everyone,
I'm an avid member of LBK for long period of time. Looking for a perfect match for us is not just as eating peanut. We need to be patient, sacrifice, to exert effort and most of all prayers. We couldn't find a person that would easily fit our criteria, we should need to talk or chat to millions of people here before we could screen the best one for us.
I am unfortunate member of this site, who's seeking for a simple, sincere and loving future partner.
I just want to say Thank you to this site, for letting us share what we feel and what we are searching or looking for.
I am hoping that this coming year I would be able to find my Mr. Right not Mr. Perfect, because I believe that Mr. Perfect might not be Mr. Right.
I will continue to soar and be patient until I would find my Mr. Right.
Thank you LBK family for making me more stronger and inspired because of the successful stories I've read.
I'm looking forward to find my Mr. Right..
Good luck to all an dto LBK family..
I love you..
Steven  et
Pepzie 29 Dec 2012
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I am a person who is shy,and very reserved, so approaching a beautiful person, After a really bad realtionship, "put me in a inner place where it was going to be hard to meet a quality mate. Especially when you have our type of life. I made a few contacts here and there, some decent some not so decent. others I wouldn't wish anyone to meet, If you are not the decent type of person who comes to this site, "looking for love only" As in our type of life, "it's just way to hard, because some people will feed off the misery of others. Thanks to this site,(LADYBOYKISSES.COM, AND MTLB, since she is a member of both sites I think I found tthe person who I've been searching for my entire life. After just one communication and letter we find ourselves laughing because it's almost like we are completely the same inside. Affter a couple of days we already made commitment to only talk with each other. I have to wait until spring 2013 to leave to see her, due to family here . I can't wait to be in her presence. Already jumping for joy, at the prospect of wrapping her in my arms and holding on tightly and finally telling her I love her also. I thank all those who I've had communications with. And I will pray we all will find love ,happiness,respect.committment minded people that completes each and everyone of us, As we all deserve love and respect. It would make for a beautiful world. Thanks again to all the good members of this site Ladyboykisses and MTLB for an outstanding services,respect,generosity for this site. I must take myself off the market though, As this man is taken now. Love to you Steven
Rich  et
Angel 28 Dec 2012
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Thank you soo much for being mine!
You are the sunshine that warms my heart.
The Lord has put us together let no man out asunder!
May Jesus Bless us with love eternal
I love you with all my heart
Thank you Ladyboykisses for carrying out the Lords wishes!!!!!!
Shaneya  et
Andre 27 Dec 2012
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Finally God found a way of connecting our way. Since the day we met each other we already knew that we were meant for each other.
We are thankful to God that everything is doing great with both of us......
Soon we will meet each other and maybe sooner or later we will upload our photos where both of us will have our happiest moments......
To all believers and to all lovers .........SPREAD THE LOVE!!!!!!
Good luck for everyone in searching your right guy and right woman who will be with you forever and always..... :)
Thomas 25 Dec 2012
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To those members of this site and visitors,
Firstly, I want to say that I am happy and excited for all of you including me who have an opportunity to be on this site. I agree with the testimonials that a website is to explore our own personalities and feelings about friendship, love, and intimacy. A website for guys like me seeking relationships with lady boys should also serve the same purpose. During the time I have been on this site , I have had an opportunity to interact with the members I feel all are sincere.
I feel that many lady boys should have and deserve love and respect.
I feel most of the girls on this site are seeking love and commitment and someone who understands them.
As one of those guys seeking a ladyboy for marriage, it is comforting
This is a great site. I like this site very much. It is about acceptance about who we are and loving ourselves for who we are. While yes it is important to have some connections to the world, we still must be our own person. It brings lonely people together and gives them an opportunity to enjoy a loving relationship for their lives.
I have always admired lady boys for their beautiful strength and courage . Good luck to all of you and I hope you find the man of your dreams as we hope to find the women of ours.
Hugs and kisses
Isabella 25 Nov 2012
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This is an amazing site. Thank you LBK for giving me more than what i have ever hoped for. :)
I believe i already found a great man i will love for the rest of my life. Never have i expected it to come very soon but now i feel so lucky to have met him. He gives me so much joy and hope in facing new tomorrows and made me feel so special. I only feel special because of him. With him, i know i will never be afraid of growing old alone because i see myself growing old with him. He's the sweetest and the most romantic man i have ever met online.
I love you Dave - i know we'll face challenges along the way but i believe our love for each other will see us through. I know i will never have regrets in loving you because you deserve to be loved and be happy - i will love you in every way possible, now and for always!
I'm happy starting out this journey with you - the making of an amazing successful love story!
Always yours throughout our own piece of forever,
Isabella :)
Dave  et
Isabella 25 Nov 2012
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I know it's early days, but I hope to update later, I have found the woman I want to share the rest of my life with. It's very real, this is a wonderful site and has facilitated my dreams. Thank you LBK, when we marry I will send a wedding photo.
francine  et
wayne 22 Nov 2012
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im now here in australia!!! because of my partner he brought me here in this wonderful place.... thank u so much...ilove you
Francine (38 ans) Australie, Brisbane [FRA4716]
im now here in australia!!! because of my partner he brought me here in this wonderful place.... thank u so much...ilove you
Francine (38 ans) Australie, Brisbane [FRA4716]
im now here in australia!!! because of my partner he brought me here in this wonderful place.... thank u so much...ilove you
Francine (38 ans) Australie, Brisbane [FRA4716]
im now here in australia!!! because of my partner he brought me here in this wonderful place.... thank u so much...ilove you
Francine (38 ans) Australie, Brisbane [FRA4716]
im now here in australia!!! because of my partner he brought me here in this wonderful place.... thank u so much...ilove you
Jeffery  et
Rodolfo 21 Nov 2012
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Rodolfo and I would like to thank LBK for introducing us. Even though our relationship is new it is starting off on a strong foundation. LBK gave us the opportunity to discover each other, which would of been merely impossible with out them. We thank you again, Jeffery and Redolfo
Jeffery (59 ans) les états-unis d'Amérique, Long Beach [JEF1573]
Rodolfo and I would like to thank LBK for introducing us. Even though our relationship is new it is starting off on a strong foundation. LBK gave us the opportunity to discover each other, which would...
Jeffery (59 ans) les états-unis d'Amérique, Long Beach [JEF1573]
Rodolfo and I would like to thank LBK for introducing us. Even though our relationship is new it is starting off on a strong foundation. LBK gave us the opportunity to discover each other, which would...
Jeffery (59 ans) les états-unis d'Amérique, Long Beach [JEF1573]
Rodolfo and I would like to thank LBK for introducing us. Even though our relationship is new it is starting off on a strong foundation. LBK gave us the opportunity to discover each other, which would...
Jeffery (59 ans) les états-unis d'Amérique, Long Beach [JEF1573]
Rodolfo and I would like to thank LBK for introducing us. Even though our relationship is new it is starting off on a strong foundation. LBK gave us the opportunity to discover each other, which would...
Jeffery (59 ans) les états-unis d'Amérique, Long Beach [JEF1573]
Rodolfo and I would like to thank LBK for introducing us. Even though our relationship is new it is starting off on a strong foundation. LBK gave us the opportunity to discover each other, which would...
john  et
bernard 19 Nov 2012
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i would like to tell you that i have found the most amazing woman in my life as we plan to get married and also to meet her soon so we can start out lifes together as man and wife as we thank god for bringing us together bernadette i love you so much nad i thank lbk for being here and i cant wait till i see you in your wedding dress as we exchange vows at our ceramoney
angel  et
kevin 18 Nov 2012
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Hi everyone..
First of all i would like to thanks to ladyboykisses bcoz if lbk not here i didnt found my mahal..
Well were still at the stage of getting to know each other but he have a plan to visit me here this coming 28th of December and im still looking forward to see him in person..
I feel that i'm the happiest lady boy in the world..hahaha
we both happy when were talking on skype and at phone..
well i will inform all of you what will gonna make it happen
to my mahal 'kevin' thanks for being there for me and the love care dont worry i will love you with all my life and soul..
take care
carla  et
gavin 01 Oct 2012
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Hello everybody!
I finally found someone and I am with him now :)
Thank you soo much Ladyboykisses site :) I LOVE HIM SO MUCH , he is so good like no other man ( I'll upload our photo soon ) now I am taking the best shot ever :) lol
kevin  et
nicah 29 Sep 2012
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First of all I would like to say thanks to Ladyboykisses,com because I found my Nicah Alonzo in this site!
She is the one who made my hearth boooooommmmmmmmm!
We are going to meet on december!
I love you so much Nicah!
mahal na mahal kita <3xxxx
Nicah (34 année) Philippines, Catbalogan City [NIC9151]
Hi!!<br><br>First of all I would like to say thanks to Ladyboykisses,com because I found my Nicah Alonzo in this site! <br><br>She is the one who made my hearth boooooommmmmmmmm!<br><br>We are going to...
Nicah (34 année) Philippines, Catbalogan City [NIC9151]
Hi!!<br><br>First of all I would like to say thanks to Ladyboykisses,com because I found my Nicah Alonzo in this site! <br><br>She is the one who made my hearth boooooommmmmmmmm!<br><br>We are going to...
Wayne  et
Francine 24 Sep 2012
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Hi everyone
I have found my perfect beautiful partner, Francine. We were married on the 15th September I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
Francine, you so wonderful in all ways, you are not only beautiful on the outside, you have a beautiful, kind and loving heart
I will love you forever Wayne
Wayne (81 ans) Australie, Brisbane [WAY5777]
Hi everyone<br><br>I have found my perfect beautiful partner, Francine. <br>We were married on the 15th September<br>I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.<br><br>Francine, you so wonderful in all...
Wayne (81 ans) Australie, Brisbane [WAY5777]
Hi everyone<br><br>I have found my perfect beautiful partner, Francine. <br>We were married on the 15th September<br>I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.<br><br>Francine, you so wonderful in all...
Wayne (81 ans) Australie, Brisbane [WAY5777]
Hi everyone<br><br>I have found my perfect beautiful partner, Francine. <br>We were married on the 15th September<br>I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.<br><br>Francine, you so wonderful in all...
Wayne (81 ans) Australie, Brisbane [WAY5777]
Hi everyone<br><br>I have found my perfect beautiful partner, Francine. <br>We were married on the 15th September<br>I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.<br><br>Francine, you so wonderful in all...
Wayne (81 ans) Australie, Brisbane [WAY5777]
Hi everyone<br><br>I have found my perfect beautiful partner, Francine. <br>We were married on the 15th September<br>I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.<br><br>Francine, you so wonderful in all...
Wayne (81 ans) Australie, Brisbane [WAY5777]
Hi everyone<br><br>I have found my perfect beautiful partner, Francine. <br>We were married on the 15th September<br>I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.<br><br>Francine, you so wonderful in all...
mike  et
Sheila Boo Boo 22 Sep 2012
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Kamusta all:
I am pleased to announce I met this week Sheila the most amazing girl here on this site inside and out.
She is everything any guy can wish for she is kind gentle funny and sexy.
She makes me laugh and smile and gives me tears of happiness.
I am one lucky guy.
We will meet soon and I know there is no other like her in the world. She is my diyosa and my world.
Please watch for future updates to come!
Daniel  et
Nica 16 Aug 2012
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Hello to everybody!
Until the day I met My Nica I was wondering that this Earth is lost and without purpose. She is the example that all others should follow. Honorable to the core, stunningly beautiful inside and outside.
I went to meet Nica in her city and when she came downstairs my jaw dropped to the floor! I could not believe how graceful this lovely person was!
We chatted for a short while and she had to go back upstairs to finish her shift. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving and it was like an electrical current gripped my heart and froze me in place. I've never felt so intensely attracted to anyone. Ever!
During my time in the Philippines I learned some of the customs and tasted some of the new and exotic foods that this wonderful land had to offer. Nica and I opened our hearts to each other and we fell so deeply in love that it has become impossible to imagine life without her anymore!
For the first time in my life I am truly happy and there is NOTHING I wouldn't do for My Baby. She is the kindest, sweetest, most thoughtful person I know. I love her, respect her, and admire her incredible courage for becoming the person she is today.
We are engaged now and I will bring her to Canada this fall to come live with me and (if she'll accept) I will marry her.
We both wish you all the same success that we have enjoyed!
Dan & Nica