25 经验谈 / 166 成功交友故事
LadyboyKisses let opportunies for many people to find love and hapiness, and they're proud to share it with you.
Thank you so much Ladyboykisses!!!!
I was able to find the love of my life on your nice site!
I will always remeber the opportunity and goodness.
For Without you I wouldn't have found him.
Wish us luck that our relationship will last.
Thank you once again...
Ralf  和
Tzardy 17 Jul 2014
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Hallo Leute;
habt den Mut den letzten Schritt hier zu gehen, ich habe es getan und einen wunderbaren Menschen kennengelernt den ich über alles Liebe. Danke Tzardy das du in mein Leben kommst, ich liebe Dich über alles und ich möchte ein neues Leben mit dir in Deutschland beginnen. Danke LBK für dieses Portal und das noch viele den Mut haben den wir haben. Ich habe die Liebe meines Lebens hier gefunden und diese Liebe hat nur einen Namen TZARDY TZARDY TZARDY. Tzardy ich liebe Dich.
Ralf (60 岁) 德国, Bamberg [RAL2562]
Hallo Leute;<br><br>habt den Mut den letzten Schritt hier zu gehen, ich habe es getan und einen wunderbaren Menschen kennengelernt den ich über alles Liebe.<br>Danke Tzardy das du in mein Leben kommst,...
Ralf (60 岁) 德国, Bamberg [RAL2562]
Hallo Leute;<br><br>habt den Mut den letzten Schritt hier zu gehen, ich habe es getan und einen wunderbaren Menschen kennengelernt den ich über alles Liebe.<br>Danke Tzardy das du in mein Leben kommst,...
Ralf (60 岁) 德国, Bamberg [RAL2562]
Hallo Leute;<br><br>habt den Mut den letzten Schritt hier zu gehen, ich habe es getan und einen wunderbaren Menschen kennengelernt den ich über alles Liebe.<br>Danke Tzardy das du in mein Leben kommst,...
Ralf (60 岁) 德国, Bamberg [RAL2562]
Hallo Leute;<br><br>habt den Mut den letzten Schritt hier zu gehen, ich habe es getan und einen wunderbaren Menschen kennengelernt den ich über alles Liebe.<br>Danke Tzardy das du in mein Leben kommst,...
Ralf (60 岁) 德国, Bamberg [RAL2562]
Hallo Leute;<br><br>habt den Mut den letzten Schritt hier zu gehen, ich habe es getan und einen wunderbaren Menschen kennengelernt den ich über alles Liebe.<br>Danke Tzardy das du in mein Leben kommst,...
Adisorn  和
Jo 09 Jul 2014
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Hi Everyone!
We just wanted to let you know that we found each other on LBK and things are going well for us. Adisorn came to Germany to visit for three months and we spent the time travelling Europe and building our relationship. Unfortunately, she must go back to Thailand soon; but we are currently working on applying for a marriage visa for her to come back so that we can live our lives together. So don't give up hope! There is someone out there for everyone. Our hope is that you find that person so that you can be happy too!
Thank you Ladyboykisses.com for giving us the oppotunity to find each other ...
Best wishes,
Adisorn & Jo
Remark..: Thanks god. Sent him to me... he is such a lovely guy , kind and caring...
xxx (52 岁) 泰国 [ICE7175]
Hi Everyone!<br><br>We just wanted to let you know that we found each other on LBK and things are going well for us. Adisorn came to Germany to visit for three months and we spent the time travelling Europe...
xxx (52 岁) 泰国 [ICE7175]
Hi Everyone!<br><br>We just wanted to let you know that we found each other on LBK and things are going well for us. Adisorn came to Germany to visit for three months and we spent the time travelling Europe...
xxx (52 岁) 泰国 [ICE7175]
Hi Everyone!<br><br>We just wanted to let you know that we found each other on LBK and things are going well for us. Adisorn came to Germany to visit for three months and we spent the time travelling Europe...
xxx (52 岁) 泰国 [ICE7175]
Hi Everyone!<br><br>We just wanted to let you know that we found each other on LBK and things are going well for us. Adisorn came to Germany to visit for three months and we spent the time travelling Europe...
xxx (52 岁) 泰国 [ICE7175]
Hi Everyone!<br><br>We just wanted to let you know that we found each other on LBK and things are going well for us. Adisorn came to Germany to visit for three months and we spent the time travelling Europe...
Bony  和
Ernest 21 Jun 2014
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I was so blessed and thankful on this dating sites, because finally i found my love of my life.,. sharing our vows last months. I know now that same sex couples are accepted in the other countries. Thank you once again! And now I am in good relationship
Chris_123 17 Jun 2014
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Ive been on this site two times already, First I closed my account cause I found already my special someone but sad to say we never work out because of some misunderstanding and the second I dont have much time to talk to him on skype because of my work and because of our time difference, time comes I noticed that he found the one that makes him happy, so I set him free for the sake of my job even if I really love him so much , he taught me what really love is,we talked often in skype and we've shared sweet moments together and he even planned to visit me here in Philippines and he wanted me to stay in their country for good. I thought he was just kidding but I found out that he was really serious about it. In fact, he was here in Phil Sept2014 with his new special someone, though we are not together anymore, I still miss him so much there is no single minutes not to think about him because until now I still love him but its too late for me to fight him back of what relationship we had before cause he is taken already.
There was a time that I added him again in skype just to see him on camera and I was so happy because our communication was back but I knew in my heart and my mind that I am just an option but I accept that just to see him,and now I realized that I dont want to talk with him anymore and I dont want to bother him cause I felt guilty. I know were not meant to each other, you dont need to find true love if its for you it will come unexpectedly cause real love will find their own way. Now just to forget our past I just kept my life busy, just focus to my work even sometimes he will came in my mind but I just ignored it I dont want to make my life miserable, it was so unfair, right? sometimes I caught myself smiling with no reasons but the fact is I remembered our sweet moments that we shared together before.
So to all the single ladyboy's out there whatever disappointments or downs we encountered in ourselves just dont forget to smile cause life is too short to live with regrets, just always remember everything happens for a reason and we know that HE is always there willing to help us, HE wont give us a burden of problem that beyond our strength.
Now Im here again so Im hoping that I can find my special someone here AGAIN so that I can move on whatever past I had, perhaps a guy who can love me and accept me with all of his heart and lastly he will treat me as her PRINCESS.
Sui  和
Rian 03 Jun 2014
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Thank you for the opportunity of meeting someone very special... Rian, is the I love of my life, and is definitely a gift from above we both feel blessed to have found each other here. We plan to have business together and marry soon. Had it not been for your site we may never have found each other in this lifetime. Many thanks again Sui & Rian.
Ben  和
Carla 27 May 2014
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Thank you Ladyboykisses,
thanks to you I have found the love of my life.
We are in a very happy relationship and are deeply in love!
10 May 2014
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Ken  和
Paola 07 May 2014
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Thanks LadyboyKisses.com, If it wasn't for this site we may have not meet. We only meet a couple of weeks ago. And we connected in a very short time. It's truly s gift from god that two people can fall in Love and truly Love each other be on time it self. We plan to marry soon and begin our lives together!! Thanks again LBK for bring us together Ken & Paola
Jezzy  和
Michael 28 Apr 2014
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"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"
I would like to thank LBK for being an instrument in finding my future husband. It maybe that fast, but proposing me for married is really that pleasurable and I'm saying YES to that proposal makes both of us worth satisfying.
Love is like a cloud...
Love is like a dream...
Love is one word and everything in between...
Love is a fairy tale come true because I found love when I found Michael...
What I am only praying for now is full guidance and protection for this relationship.
I can't wait wear my wedding gown and that promising ring.. Thank you so much again LBK.
To those who are still searching for their partner, don't lose hope it will come in the right time :)
Jezzy (32 岁) 菲律宾, Davao City [JEZ4563]
"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"<br><br>I would like to thank LBK for being an instrument in finding...
Jezzy (32 岁) 菲律宾, Davao City [JEZ4563]
"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"<br><br>I would like to thank LBK for being an instrument in finding...
april  和
alan 22 Apr 2014
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Thank you Ladyboykisses!!!
I really thankful to meet soon this kind person.
He is always good to me!
More luck to all ladyboys here!
Gloria  和
Roger 02 Apr 2014
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Asia Galang  和
Jason Kelly 20 Mar 2014
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I want to thank LBK for giving us a chance to meet online and eventually meet each other. He just recently visited me and fell in love to one another. Right now were working on how we can live together and to make our dreams come true. Once again thank you LBK and to those who are looking for LOVE, dont lose hope and Miracles do happen, God bless to all and keep smiling :)
Jhamie  和
Ed 09 Mar 2014
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True love will find its way if it is meant to be between two souls!
While it's true that online dating is not for everybody, let me foremostly extend my gratitude and say hurray! to Ladyboykisses.com for laying down an avenue for two sincere souls to find their ways to find each other, irrespective of geographical location, time differences, race and social stratum one belongs to.
Admittedly, i had contacted, chatted and talked to several other guys in here with the very limited time and opportunity i have to get online, none of those has truly satiated the qualifications of a partner i have been looking for. It's not that im looking for a perfect guy, it's just that i was seriously looking for a perfect match to complement my strengths and to augment my weaknesses, and to eventually share the "ups" and "downs" of life. Yes, i am that serious. I did encounter lots of guys who were apt to play lusty games with me, but none succeeded. It may sound cliche for some, but it's a reality, it is a fact. I am not here to say they are bad guys, it is their thing, it is their comfort zone, it is their niche. Respect shall prevail. Furthermore, there are those guys who seem to be true and sincere about their desire to establish a meaningful relationship with me, but after awhile knowing my circumstances in life, they give up. it's alright. It's the name of the trade. What are these circumstances i am referring to? well, many of the guys i had exchanged emails with should know this: my inability to get online as often as i should because of lack of internet access.
That has been the case for several months being on LBK until i met Ed. Since day 1, he has proven himself of his love and sincerity. He did his ways for us to nurture a constant communication between us. From there, a special feeling developed and blossomed into a real relationship. After 5 weeks of being an item, he booked his flight to eventually meet me and show himself for real. He never failed, But of course,just in any type of relationship, it's not always about a bed of roses. Arguments, jealousy and mild tantrums will always surface but the sweetest thing is, a day won't pass by without our dispute being reconciled. More than those, romance prevails.
I am writing this story while seated on his lap, his arms wrapped around me and enveloped by his love and genuine happiness.
He made a promise to me and my family to get back pretty soon for a more meaningful event of our lives. I believe and trust him so.
To those ladies who find difficulty in being matched, fret not. There's always something in store for everyone. Love comes in the most unprecedented time. It takes you by surprise. And when it arrives, take extra care of it, nurture it, treat with much trust and respect so it could surpass obstacles and the test of times. I am not sounding to have a perfect relationship with Ed. But I am here for good. I chose to love this man for the remaining days of my life. I have decided to walk with him, laugh and cry with him today, tomorrow and beyond infinity.
With his utmost desire to write his message on a separate page, i am afraid he could no longer do that because his profile has long been deleted to show his sicerity to me. Now if by chance, there are other girls out there whom he had an "hour-long" engagement with, expect nothing more than that. You know what i mean.
If you are seriously looking for a meaningful relationship, just show your real self, reveal your circumstances, be always honest. Do not pretend to be a perfect partner, as there would be none.
Thank you for reading. Ohh, i still have have to pack his things up. Its his flight back to the US tomorrow. hehehe, bye.....
kisses and hugs, Jamie and Ed
Tisha P. 06 Mar 2014
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Hi everyone!....ive been thinking of deleting this account and now someone gave me a reason to finally make it.
I told myself before, once i will find my man here...the man who can love me and whom i will love. I will be so happy and ill delete this account for good. I dreamt of posting a successful lovelife story on here:-) but i guess that wont happen.
I am still happy and thankful for all the wonderful people here. To LBK thank you so much for giving me a chance to be part of this beautiful dating site and met some genuine people.
I will delete this account not bcoz i have found the love of my life but bcoz i want to give my heart a brake. As im writing this i have a teary eye and im really hurting.
I promise to come back here when im fully and completely fine.
Thanks to you!...you have touched my heart and im so down!
Tisha (36 岁) 菲律宾, Cebu [TIS2085]
Hi everyone!....ive been thinking of deleting this account and now someone gave me a reason to finally make it.<br><br>I told myself before, once i will find my man here...the man who can love me and whom...
David  和
Ricky 03 Feb 2014
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Thank you LBK for bringing us love together
chin  和
CAREY 31 Jan 2014
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Hello to all!
After a very long journey searching for my man I am now happy and proud to announce that I found my serious man named mahal carey
He is loving and a happy person. I promise to love him!
i just hope and pray to god thatHOPEFULLY he is the one for ME
he is so nice and very respective man
i will give my whole life to him
i promise that i will always love you mahal and i will always stay true to you. welcome to my life CAREY ANDERSON :)
Seriyah  和
Kylie 31 Jan 2014
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It's wonderful to finally meet someone who cares about my feelings and who I am, and to be supported by her. Will enjoy trying to make a relationship with Kylie, to see where the road will take us.
kaycee 24 Jan 2014
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Thank you Ladyboy Kisses after a long search and waiting finally we will meet soon!
Hopefully last week of march or first week of april, but unfortunately it will not happen anymore because of misunderstanding, but for the time we are together I feel how lucky I am with him.
He`s very kind, loving, caring and generous boyfriend to me. its better to love and get hurt than never to love at all.
Goodbye Ladyboykisses and thank u for the wonderful experienced the search is over..
Good luck to everyone!
Sincerely yours; Kaycee
Hi Everyone
When I put up my profile here, I never expect that one day that I would write a success story.
Many weeks down the road, I can finally say, THANK U LBK!! I have met the man of my dreams. A knight in shining armour. He proposed. Not once but 4 times!! He made me feel like a princess. We would chat everyday on the phone and on the net. And he wants to wed me on St Valentine's Day 2014. How romantic is that??? I truly believed now that God has a pair for everyone and put them in different parts of the world for them to find each other, and if their love is very strong, nothing can ever stop them to be together 1 day. I will be flying out to UK really soon to be with him. Thank U Lbk. Without U we would never have met.
Out of hundreds and thousands here, He chose me. I am really lucky.
I love U My Darling with all my heart and soul.
P:s = Do u know why there are spaces in between my fingers??? Its for my Darling Roger to fill it up. And I'm proud to have taken ur name, I am Mrs Scarlett Ariel Twist